Saturday, June 12, 2010


I've come to realize that it's very hard to stick to any sort of healthy eating, get-ready-for-bikini-season plan while also working on your baking skills. Deciding to be healthy and then constantly making things like homemade fudge and peanut butter pie is counterproductive. But I really don't want to give up the baking OR the healthy plan. Oh, the perplexities of life.

Subject change: I have now been working at my new job for an official count of 4 days, and though I'm still in training, I LOVE it so far. After months and months of trying not to give up hope, my prayers for a good job have been answered. I feel that this job is absolutely perfect for me right now. It's extremely close to home, my coworkers are awesome (I love them already!), and it pays the bills (that's always a plus, right?). AND I dont' have to wear a uniform. You have no idea how big of a deal this is to me. I've been wearing uniforms since, well, elementary school. (Oh, the days of the little plaid jumper.) This is the first job I've had where I actually get to dress up (in my own choice of clothing) to go to work. And I'm one of those people that LIKES to dress up.

I would write more, but I'm currently in the middle of reading "Mirror Mirror" and I think I'm gonna get back to that...and also try to ignore the last piece of peanut-butter pie calling my name.