Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Time To Save

I'm in the mood to travel. I really, really want to get out of the country for a little while. I most want to go to Italy and Brazil. Problem is, I have no money. Or at least not enough to get me much farther than the Arby's down the street for any extended period of time. Time to save, save, save.

I was able to travel an hour this weekend to the far off land of Chambersburg to visit the Shalom Dutchfest aka the School Sale with my highschool bf. What a blast from the past. Hadn't been there in quite a while. It was weird. In a fun, kinda cool, awkward kind of way. The food was awesome, but since I'm trying to save money I only got what I really wanted, namely pie. Had it for lunch and dinner. I paid for that this morning.