Monday, April 26, 2010

Post 2, look at me go

So I have some goals for myself this year.

1. Be a good wife. (I have a lot to learn in this area, but I just asked Andrew and he said I've been doing good so far.)

2.Complete ALL the P90x workouts this year. (As of today, I've only done about 3 1/2. I'm working on getting more motivated.)

3. Find a job I LOVE. (This one is proving most difficult. But I have faith! There's gotta be something out there I like doing...and I will find it!!)

4. Finish writing a book. (I always start them and never finish them..but this year I will finish a book, even if it ends up being something I'd never let anyone read. Gotta start somewhere.)

I have a feeling this is going to be a very eye-opening year.

To change the subject, today Andrew and I ran errands and I decided I would drive so that I can better learn my way around this crazy place. (Look at me, taking initiative.) I can now say that I can confidently get myself to the grocery store, bank, post office and computer store (Andrew's current place of employment.) I'm feeling proud.
I'm also feeling hungry. This week our church gave us the challenge to eat ONLY rice and beans for five days, Monday through Friday. If you weren't aware, rice and beans is what a huge percentage of the world eats everyday, all the time, because it's all they have. This week is to give us an idea of what that would be like. So far all I've eaten today is a bowl of Creamy Four Cheese Rice A Roni, which I'm pretty sure is actually cheating because I don't think most of the population gets cheese to put in their rice. It's only the first day and I'm already craving my dried fruit trail mix, which I hid on the highest shelf of the cupboard, along with all the other most tempting foods in the house. We didn't want anything to go bad so we put all our fruit in the freezer and ate most of our leftovers yesterday. We also had a lot of milk that we didnt want to spoil, so last night we did what any logical person would do. We made a whole ton of chocolate chip cookies, invited a friend over and had a cookies and milk binge. I didn't even worry about all the calories I was throwing into my body because I knew this week it was just gonna be rice and beans, rice and beans, rice and beans. Then next Sunday, any money we saved on food this week we're donating to Haiti. It's a good challenge, but man, this could be a loooong week.


  1. aw annie i will read your blog!! it'll be like all your letters from bob's kind of haha which i still have several :) keep it up!!! miss you!!

  2. thanks regan! i still have a bunch of those letters too! they crack me up:) i miss you too!!!
